
Talk to us

We provide a high quality service and have a close working relationship with our clients.

CVG LEGAL was founded in 2010 based on the idea that it is possible to merge the world of the large firms with more traditional practice, bringing the best of both together.

Our experience in a wide range of issues and subjects of various sizes and levels of complexity, our pro-activity and, above all, the very close relationship and trust that we maintain with our clients, enables us to provide a service that is both personalised and sophisticated enabling us to find creative solutions so our clients achieve their goals.

Our work and experience shows that being a small firm is not an obstacle (and may even be an advantage) in several subjects (including sizable transactions), since we are able to organise and coordinate multidisciplinary teams in Portugal and abroad efficiently and offer excellent value for money.

We have quite a heterogeneous group of clients, including all sizes of domestic and foreign companies (including multinationals and listed companies) along with individual entrepreneurs and family offices.

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